r.b.t.d.rheinischer bild und ton dienst[person]
adam/kwhat keeps me on...(*1959 in mönchengladbach) the mystic revelation between sunset and dawn keeps me always strong in mind and i lost lots of sleep under the canopy of heaven. i'm shivering in face of love and beauty and thats the power that keeps me on working with visions and messages to the other world. Die mystische offenbarung zwischen sonnenunter- und sonnenaufgang hat sich in meinem denken festgesetzt und so verlor ich unzählige stunden des schlafs unter dem himmelszelt. Das erschauern im angesicht von liebe und schönheit erfüllt mich mit der grandiosen kraft, die mich mit visionen dieser und jener welten arbeiten lässt, die nicht immer offensichtlich sind. taking pics was always a try to catch the magic of moments, finding the shape of those who opened themselves to the view of my camera and finding the shape of things which are opening and closing all day and all night long. on the other hand painting and all that stuff was more an experience and experimentation of letting the colours flow. Fotografieren war immer der versuch die magischen momente einzufangen, die form dessen zu finden, das sich dem blick der camera öffnet und die form des ewigen sich öffnens und schliessens dieser welt zu erkennen. Das malen und zeichnen ergab sich als versuch, die dinge und farben fliessen zu lassen. with or without the lightsince i was a little boy, all that i remember is the different
situations and emotions of the light that touched me at that memory moment. forming objects from a fixed positionso to find some terms which could characterize my work in objects i would choose "construction", "concrit", "steel", "stones", "quads" and "lines". Theese are the forms that i was taught to deal with in a very sophisticated way during the years of conformation. picture passionin some countries the sun and the sea are giving a different warm and more passionful view to the things and the situations around us. i try to catch the moment
and to show the things in that way, i look at them in an objective mode. i always tried to find some living structures in the things. thats what is fascinating me. home |